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5 Easy Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, nearly a quarter of Americans reported feeling “extreme stress” during the holidays. The “festive stress” is caused by feeling like there’s not enough time, experiencing panic due to the lack of finances, and feeling the pressure to give or get gifts.

As a Master Herbalist and a regular commentator on news shows across the U.S., below are 5 easy ways to help you tame your mood and control your stress level this coming holiday season.

  1. Do Random Acts of Kindness: It’s always nice to help someone out, but did you know that doing 'random acts of kindness' lowers your cortisol levels and makes you feel calmer? Another added surprise is that it lowers your blood pressure! So go ahead and be nice to someone, they will be thankful but you will reap the benefits!

  2. Take Herbs to help stabilize your moods: Holiday time can be exciting, but also stressful, and this is the time you need to find your MOODTOPIA. I suggests you grab a small tincture bottle of herbs to help you chill without leaving you groggy! Skullcap helps with nervous tension, Motherwort for hormonal moodiness, and Passionflower can help you sleep.

  3. Breathe in some essential oils to transcend stressful environments: Flying somewhere for the holidays? Take along your favorite essential oil. Oils come in small cute bottles that transport easily. Breathe some in if you are on a plane and the person next to you forgot to shower! Hotel room smells funky? Put a few drops of essential oil around the room.

  4. Buy something beautiful to hang on your front door: Feng Shui says your door needs to be inviting and welcoming. Buy a wreath that has some healing plants and hang it on your front door. Or put up a sign that has a positive affirmation. That way, every time you come home you feel welcomed (even if you had a difficult day).

  5. Carry Zoom Balls with you: In my book MOODTOPIA I have recipes for zoom balls which are made from nuts, seeds, and herbal powders. They are easy to make, very portable and give you the burst you need to feel around the holidays when you want to be on your best! 

What is Moodtopia?

    • Moodtopia means being in control of your moods so they don't control you. Plain and simple. It means being able to identify your mood, acknowledge that it's real and okay, but also decide whether it works to benefit you and those around you in any particular moment. It doesn't mean euphoric or happy all the time-that's an impossible and actually unwanted goal! But it does mean having greater awareness about your moods and how to manage them.


Sara-Chana Silverstein is a consultant to pediatricians, surgeons, obstetricians, midwives, and general doctors. After working with over 20,000 clients for the past 20 years, she has received praises from celebrities and health experts including Deepak Chopra, Mayim Bialik, Christie Brinkley & more. For more secrets to stabilizing moods for a truly balanced lifestyle, you can find her new book MOODTOPIA: Tame Your Moods, De-Stress, and Find Balance Using Herbal Remedies in bookstores everywhere.