Yvon Lux

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Have Covid? Here’s What to Eat and What to Avoid

With COVID-19 cases resurging throughout the nation, many of us are home sick and thinking the same thing: what can I eat or drink to feel any better? While no tasty snack can cure Covid, the key to some relief might already be in your pantry at home.

When you’re sick with Covid – or any severe illness – you may not have much energy to cook, and you might not have much of an appetite. Covid wears our bodies down, and one common symptom is fatigue. Whether you’re the one feeling under the weather or the one taking care of an ill loved one, you don’t have to cook a gourmet meal to provide a health boost. There are some easy dos and don’ts you can follow to create a menu that can have beneficial effects on health and overall wellness.

According to clinical professor and immunology expert, Dr. Bob Lahita, here are the best food and drink recommendations:

• Ice cream: You might not expect this, but I highly recommend a bowl of ice cream when you’re trying to fight Covid! Omicron patients in particular have complained of a terrible sore throat. Ice cream is perfect to soothe this pain, and it also adds necessary calories – patients can lose up to 20 pounds while trying to recover from severe Covid. 

• Hydration: It’s critical to hydrate when fighting off viruses and other sicknesses, including Covid. Plain water is perfect, but if you’d like a little flavor, try coconut water. Pomegranate juice is another good option, which also adds antioxidants into the mix. But stay away from sodas, sweet teas, and other caffeinated drinks – you need your rest!

• Liquid foods: Soups and broths are full of nutrients and easy to digest when you’re sick. Opt for one that includes pureed vegetables for some added vitamins. 

• Vitamin C: Covid strips the body of Vitamin C, so you need to restore this essential vitamin. Supplements can be found in your local drug store or grocery store.

Now that you know what’s good to eat, here are a few things you should avoid putting on your plate – and in your body – until you’ve fully recovered from the virus:

• Spicy foods: Spicy foods can be tough to handle for your mouth, throat, and gut on a good day – when you are sick and trying to fight off Covid, the spices can become unbearable. Stick with mild flavors during this time.

• Citrus: Particularly if you have a sore throat, which many Omicron patients do, you will want to avoid all citrus during your sickness and recovery. This includes orange, lemon, and lime juice as well as any citrus-based drinks. It will only make you feel worse! 

• Heavy meals: The last thing you want when you’re sick is to force your body to digest a heavy meal like a burger or big bowl of pasta. Stick with lighter foods, and make sure they’re cooked – not raw (this includes fruits and vegetables). 

Remember, your body during and after Covid is exhausted and working extremely hard to fight off the many effects of the virus. Covid can affect your brain, lungs, heart, gut, sinuses, and more, causing inflammation and sometimes long-lasting damage to our bodies. When you’re considering what to eat and drink to alleviate symptoms, always choose nutrient-dense foods, so even if you can only get a few bites in, those bites will be very powerful for the body as it fights the virus and ultimately recovers.

About the expert:

Dr. Bob Lahita is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, a Professor at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine and the Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease St. Joseph's Healthcare System.  He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Master of the American College of Rheumatology, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Dr. Lahita has also authored more than 16 books and 150 scientific publications in the field of autoimmunity.


Yvon Lux is the editor of her Apple News channel. Her “blogazine” celebrates sisterhood and empowers women by focusing on women’s health, travel, lifestyle, and entrepreneurial news while also sharing the most coveted trends and style stories.

As an entrepreneur and influencer, she has been featured in LA Times, Thrive Global, OC Register, Modern Luxury Magazine, and more. Connect with her on Instagram and subscribe to her Apple News channel!

Be on the lookout for her Influencer and Luxury Lifestyle Magazine covering organizations and individuals that are blazing trails and sharing tales.