Yvon Lux

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Doctors on Improving Women's Health During Stay-at-Home

National Women’s Health Week (May 10-16th) is a national effort to raise awareness for easy and manageable steps that women can take to incorporate healthy changes in their lives. Now, more than ever, it’s vital for women to be informed of ways that they can improve their quality of their lives. Nationally acclaimed health experts provide tips for women to address  common issues they often ignore.

1.      Embrace the changes in all life’s stages. “Women’s bodies have different needs at 20, 40, 50, and 60+, so develop a health strategy for every phase, says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, Clinical Professor of OBGYN at Yale University. “You should feel comfortable talking to your gynecologist about anything and everything regarding your body. If you don’t have that kind of trust, find another doc.” She also recommends getting your mammogram, pap smear and a colonoscopy on a regular schedule.


2.      Don’t Consult Dr. Google. Lauren Streicher, MD, Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University and medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Menopause and the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Health, is available to help women prepare at-home ‘Gyne Toolkit’ for common health issues as many doctor’s offices remain closed to seeing patients in the office. “Women can safely and effectively take care of many common health issues right at home,” says Dr. Streicher. “However, it is important to know when something does require immediate medical attention."  Dr. Streicher is available to answer how to take care of common issues from home.


3.      Ensure You are addressing your nutrient needs: As women age, there are many factors that may impact their nutritional needs, but women don’t always know which nutrients may be beneficial to their overall wellbeing in the aging process. Nicole Avena, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Visiting Professor of Health Psychology, Princeton University discusses the top five nutrients all women need more of, how to get them, and how to navigate/prepare for nutrition needs as women get older.


4.      Address your skincare needs: Skincare is an essential part of a woman’s well-being and taking care of your skin as you age becomes a necessity. Elizabeth Mullans, M.D., Board-Certified Dermatologist at Uptown Dermatology, is available to discuss the best protocols to take in order to sustain healthy-looking skin at any age.


5.      Make Your Sex Life a Priority Again… Having a good sex life is vitally important for health, happiness and maintaining an engaged relationship with your partner. If your sex life is flagging because of dryness and even pain during intercourse, sex and relationship therapist, Mary Jo Rapini, has some great suggestions to combat this issue as well as additional tips to help you keep the spark alive with your partner. 


 Yvon Lux is editor for her Apple News channel and event extraordinaire specializing in exclusive influencer events.

Her “blogazine” Yvon Lux celebrates sisterhood and empowers women by focusing on women’s health, travel, food and entrepreneurial news while also sharing the most coveted fashion and beauty trends and stories.

The young female founder has been featured in Thrive Global, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Modern Luxury Magazine, and various other media outlets. Connect with her on Instagram and subscribe to her Apple News channel!