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18 Beauty and Wellness Trends in 2022

The beauty and wellness industry is ever evolving. At the recent Cosmoprof North America in Las Vegas, trends like clean beauty and environmentally-friendly brands were some of the highlights.

We connected with Beautyque NYC Founder Sonia Khemiri to discuss the biggest trends in the beauty and wellness categories and space.

Have Covid? Here’s What to Eat and What to Avoid

With COVID-19 cases resurging throughout the nation, many of us are home sick and thinking the same thing: what can I eat or drink to feel any better? While no tasty snack can cure Covid, the key to some relief might already be in your pantry at home. According to clinical professor and immunology expert, Dr. Bob Lahita, here are the best food and drink recommendations:

7 Easy Hollywood Looks to Recreate For Valentine's

According to behavioral psychologist Carolyn Mair, mood and clothing are interconnected. Creating inspirational looks and doing style challenges can be a fun pastime during lockdown. So why not? Health experts say dressing up even when you have nowhere to go can lighten your mood and keep you from focusing on the current lacking of quarantine life.

Historical fashion expert and contributing writer for fashion and lingerie e-commerce 3Wishes, Vivian Kelly known as @thefashionhistorian, highlights some memorable Hollywood looks. She suggests some “frivolous-fashion-fun” dresses that are affordable alternatives for Valentine’s Day or just sexy and celebratory content at home. Vivian was tasked with applying her historical eye to the collection to curate a “Iconic Look” list.

From Employee To Entrepreneur: Becoming Your Own Boss in 2021

Maybe you’ve dreamed of launching your own business for years, but couldn’t summon the nerve – or the capital – to pull it off. Perhaps 2020 proved disastrous to your career aspirations when the company you worked for downsized or shut down altogether – and out the door you went. Either way, 2021 could be the time to ask yourself this question: Are you ready to go from employee to entrepreneur?

How To Keep Culture Thriving Outside The Office

Despite the economic havoc COVID-19 caused, the work culture of some companies has stayed solid. But amid big changes and continuing uncertainties, that foundational element of business is an ongoing concern for many heading into 2021. The massive shift to remote work on a regular basis dramatically changed how companies interact internally, and some have adjusted better than others.

Tips for Visitors Heading to Colorado Slopes

Ski areas across Colorado have been open since early November welcoming guests back to the slopes and operating with COVID-19 specific policies and protocols in place. The industry has learned many lessons over the past six weeks and is providing guests, both those that have already visited and those that will in the future, some helpful tips and reminders on what to expect and what is expected of them during their visit.

Pandemic Holiday Tips For More Joy and Connection

For many people, life as they knew it has been put on hold due to the restrictions we all must adhere to with COVID-19. The days of waiting patiently for life to return to “normal” have passed. In fact, there has been enough time that has passed since the virus hit in early 2020, that we can confidently say, we have developed a new normal.

Women: Transform A Dismal Year Into A Happier Personal Journey

COVID-19 has played havoc with many people’s careers, but it may have been especially detrimental to women.

Research shows that working mothers are dropping out of the workforce much faster than working fathers, at least in part because many schools switched to remote learning and at least one adult needed to be in the home with the children. One study by McKinsey & Company and Lean In also found that one-fourth of women they surveyed at 317 companies are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely.

Spring Cleaning You May Have Missed

Every year, as the flowers begin to pop up, the grass gets greener and the birds start tweeting, thoughts turn to shedding the drudge of winter, cleaning up the house and enjoying spring. While annual spring cleaning is a ritual many observe, there are some tasks that you might not have thought of that really take your annual wipe down and de-clutter to a whole new level.

Salon Distancing: Tips to Reopen

If beauty professionals are to return to their jobs and work in an environment that is safe for staff and clients alike, significant changes will need to take place representing a shift to a “new norm” or 2.0 version of the industry.