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Self-Care Starts With Self-Worth: Simple Steps to Overcome Pandemic Depression

Self-Care Starts With Self-Worth: Simple Steps to Overcome Pandemic Depression

May is Mental Health Awareness month and Americans are struggling with loneliness, stress, and anxiety related to the COVID-19  pandemic. 

“How we take care of ourselves directly correlates to the way we value ourselves, our self-worth,” says Anne Boudreau, author of the new book, A Human Mosaic: Heal, Renew, & Develop Self-Worth. “The way we treat ourselves reflects how worthy we believe we are, and when we neglect nurturing ourselves, our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health suffer.”


Our habits — including our sleep patterns, personal hygiene, what we eat, how much we exercise, our energy, focus, productivity, resilience, attitude, immune system, ability to heal from illness, sexuality, and our relationships — are all impacted by how we value ourselves. When we suffer from low self-worth, our belief is that we are not worthy of taking optimum care of ourselves.

“The disruption the pandemic has caused in our routines presents an opportunity to re-evaluate what is working and what’s not working in our lives, including our self-care rituals and our “language of self worth” — how we talk to ourselves”.

According to Boudreau, you can nourish and strengthen your short- and long-term health with personal care and preventative health measures that are easily applicable to your daily life. These include:

  • Make Time for Self-Care: Establish a routine and schedule time for self-care throughout the day, whether it’s going for a walk outdoors, exercise, recreation, mediation, or any activity that brings you joy.

  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and stay true to your personal schedule for self-care.

  • Create a Personal Mantra for yourself that will serve as a reminder of your investment to care for yourself and help shift your frame of mind. This could be a phrase you love or a word that brings you joy and tranquility, such as sunshine, breeze, rainbow, peace, love.

  • Reset Your Mood: Be aware of your mindset throughout the day by checking in with yourself. When you feel anxiety rising, pause, breathe deeply, and reframe your thoughts to reduce tension and frustration.

Most important of all, Boudreau says, is to focus on accepting and loving yourself.

“The most meaningful friendship you will ever have is with yourself,” she says. “No one understands you better than you — your memories, your thoughts, your habits.” This means knowing you are worthy and accepting all of you, without condition. Treat yourself with unwavering love and support. When you learn to accept yourself, caring for yourself will be a healthful priority and one you look forward to.


About the Expert:

Anne Boudreau is an inspirational author, coach, and executive who is devoted to helping others develop healthy self-worth. In her new book, “A Human Mosaic: Heal, Renew, & Develop Self-Worth,” she reveals how self-worth is a critical element for sustainable personal change. For more information visit www.AnneOBoudreau.com.


 Yvon Lux is editor for her Apple News channel and event extraordinaire specializing in exclusive influencer events.

Her “blogazine” Yvon Lux celebrates sisterhood and empowers women by focusing on women’s health, travel, food and entrepreneurial news while also sharing the most coveted fashion and beauty trends and stories.

The young female founder has been featured in Thrive Global, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Modern Luxury Magazine, and various other media outlets. Connect with her on Instagram and subscribe to her Apple News channel!

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